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#  ASPIRE station data used to develop 1-D and 3-D numerical models from the Nathaniel B. Palmer in the Amundsen Sea from 2010-12-14 through 2011-01-05
#  PI: Patricia L. Yager
#  Version: 2019-04-17
Station  lats    lons     
34       -72.96  -115.76  
LocalDate   Depth               Chla                DissFe              TotalDIN  PON                 
2010-12-24  1.34798190050936    18.7508190707197    nd                  16.538    7.87056801587302    
2010-12-24  9.725               nd                  0.167765479084123   nd        nd                  
2010-12-24  10.0759986717772    14.3327261          nd                  19.641    6.48179658730159    
2010-12-24  29.9424984327151    7.54415258104083    nd                  25.931    3.76060458333333    
2010-12-24  49.5972973252133    4.09554617988731    nd                  nd        nd                  
2010-12-24  49.60323414825189   nd                  nd                  26.979    1.32854996031746    
2010-12-24  49.705              nd                  0.164321309381543   nd        nd                  
2010-12-24  70.2227583345123    3.46947542627397    nd                  27.088    1.77028900793651    
2010-12-24  134.46733456657802  0.926062989719743   nd                  29.981    0.471621388888889   
2010-12-24  136.921             nd                  0.269248950617412   nd        nd                  
2010-12-24  196.622277163032    nd                  nd                  30.7      nd                  
2010-12-24  197.855             nd                  0.282625145478559   nd        nd